
Drama, in the form of `make-believe play’, is a vital tool for any pre-school child allowing them to learn and understand the world around them.

At Stormont School, drama activities build on this learning. This helps the girls to make sense of their own identity and world by exploring meaningful fictional situations which have parallels in the real world. Through this we aim to develop and embed skills such as creativity, exploration communication, empathy, self-confidence, cooperation and leadership.

All girls at Stormont receive weekly drama sessions. In Reception, these are integrated activities within the Foundation Curriculum.

At Year 1 and 2, this is an oracy and drama class. This develops drama skills in vocal and body expressions and communications, as well as improvising and creating scenes within given themed situations. All Pre-Prep girls prepare performances for their class assemblies and the annual Nativity.

In Prep, all girls receive themed Drama lessons with a specialist teacher with our scheme incorporating and developing an eclectic mix of skills – characterisation, mime, improvisation, tableaux, movement, debate, delivering poems and monologues, scripted pieces, using props and staging.

Girls in Year 3 and 5 have the opportunity to use their drama learnt performance skills and prepare for the English Speaking Board exams. These exams and preparation lessons develop confidence in public speaking, reciting poetry, reading to an audience with fluency and expression and listening and questioning others on a given subject.

Girls, Year 2-6, are welcome to join the afterschool LAMDA classes to develop skills further and prepare for Acting Exams.

Throughout the year the girls can incorporate learnt skills when performing and presenting within School Assemblies, Harvest Festival, Class Assemblies, Pre-Prep Nativity, the Arts Festival, and the Year 6 Production.

We must all do theatre to find out who we are, and to discover who we could become.
Augusto Boal

How to find
Stormont School

The Causeway,
Potters Bar,
01707 654037

Stormont School

Spring Open Mornings

We are delighted to invite you to our Jungle Safari Family Open Morning on Saturday 1st March 9.00am – 10.30am and our Working Open Morning on Thursday 20th March 9.00am – 11.00am.

To confirm your attendance please email admissions@stormontschool.org or click here.