Stormont Old Girls

Stormont Old Girls’ Society (SOGS) has been running for many years and enables staff, past pupils and parents to meet up and keep in touch after they have left the school.

Past pupils and parents are invited to attend various events in the school calendar including an afternoon tea, rounders match and any celebrations.  It is wonderful to see the girls as they mature into young women and to hear of their hopes and aspirations as their school careers develop. We are also delighted to meet their parents with whom we have worked for many years as their daughters progressed through the school.

Our Year 6 girls are automatically enrolled to SOGS.   Parents of girls aged twelve and younger are invited to join the SOGS Facebook page to keep in touch with events at Stormont School.  When ex pupils reach thirteen they can request to join the page in their own right.

We have many SOGS who have returned with their own children and grandchildren to Stormont School.

I will miss the wonderful and amazing atmosphere, I love how everyone gets on so well.
Ani P, Year 6

How to find
Stormont School

The Causeway,
Potters Bar,
01707 654037

Stormont School

November Open Morning

We are delighted to invite you to our working open morning on Thursday 14th November from 9.00am – 11.00am.

For more details and to register please email or complete the form on our open morning website page.