Sporting Excellence

We are proud of the girls’ achievements in sporting excellence both past and present.   Our PE team is dedicated to the girls and how they progress through the school.   They are encouraged to join in and do their best for their team and their school but also for their own self esteem.

Tuition in netball, gymnastics, tennis, lacrosse and rounders are just some of the sports on the curriculum.  There are netball clubs before school, lunchtimes and after school; matches are a regular occurrence against other independent schools either home or away.    Netball teams are also entered for competitions and two years running we have reached the Nationals.

We have also had much success in gymnastics and were grateful to Beth Tweddle for opening our Johnston Sports Hall.  The building enables the us to train and play matches or hold competitions whatever the weather improving our success at a competitive level.

Many Year 6 girls go on to achieve a Sports Scholarship at their chosen school each year.

How to find
Stormont School

The Causeway,
Potters Bar,
01707 654037

Stormont School

Spring Open Mornings

We are delighted to invite you to our Jungle Safari Family Open Morning on Saturday 1st March 9.00am – 10.30am and our Working Open Morning on Thursday 20th March 9.00am – 11.00am.

To confirm your attendance please email or click here.