Red Nose Day

Posted: 19th March 2021

Lots of jokes have been shared today as part of Share a Smile for Comic Relief.  “What do you call a pig that knows karate?  Pork chop!”

We have seen lots of red noses on display and hair bands that have noses that wobble.  Our wonderful catering staff produced red nose day cakes for all to enjoy.  The girls brought in £1 to buy a cake to donate to Comic Relief, great excitement when the cakes appeared this afternoon.

We’ve had house cross country and house netball this week, points are being counted and the winning House will be announced at the end of term (my hopes are on St Andrew).   With so much to fit in before the end of term, its hard to imagine that this is only our second week back.

This term our Year 4 girls have been reading  ‘The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane’ by Kate DiCamillo.  A good read apparently with very enthusiastic reviews.  To celebrate the girls dressed up as some of the characters.

A definite fun Friday for Stormont.

How to find
Stormont School

The Causeway,
Potters Bar,
01707 654037