Celebrations were in full swing on Friday to mark the coronation of King Charles III. All the girls came to school in non-uniform red, white and blue, some wearing crowns,…

Posted: 15th December 2023
So we come to the end of another year, with the girls (and staff) all off on their Christmas holidays ready for a season of goodwill. The last few weeks of school have seen a whirlwind of activity, which started with our Pre-Prep nativity play. The girls put on amazing performances for the whole school and their parents. The Prep girls performed their carol service at Christ Church Little Heath with a mixture of singing and musical performances.
Our year 5 class had visits to Cuffley Care Home and Cooperscroft to sing Christmas carols, with many residents now looking forward to our termly visits. Everyone sang carols and enjoyed listening to the girls sing.
Towards the end of term, the girls had their end of year Christmas party, with games and music starting off their party season. The Pre-Prep girls had a visit from Father Christmas, and they couldn’t believe he was there to see them! Finally, to end the term, the whole school sat down together for the school Christmas lunch, with the obligatory Christmas jumper, took place on the 12th December, with everyone enjoying a full Christmas dinner and dessert cooked by our catering team. It was a feast for everyone! The day ended with a full school quiz, which the girls really enjoyed.
From everyone at Stormont School, we wish you all a very merry Christmas, and a happy and prosperous new year! See you all in January.