Yuletide Christmas Fair

Posted: 4th December 2023

Saturday 2nd December saw Stormont School host our annual Yuletide fair, and what a great day it was! The atmosphere was buzzing with Christmas excitement and activity over the main areas of the school. With our external stallholders, our class stalls and our new elf emporium everyone had a great day doing some Christmas shopping and activities. Our sports hall had 2 bouncy castles for the children to bounce away their Christmas excitement, and they could then move on to visit to the teacher’s stall to show off some of their throwing and shoot the hoop skills.

Our elf emporium, hosted by Buddy the Elf himself, allowed the girls to make their bag of reindeer food ready for Christmas Eve. They also could decorate a gingerbread man, decorate baubles and crowns, and make their own crackers, and have an elfie selfie with Buddy! Finally, with a trip to the nail salon the girls had a fun day, going home happy and in the Christmas spirit.

All of us at Stormont wish to thank our SPA Chairs, our SPA parent reps, parents and teachers who all either worked hard to organise the event or gave up their time on the day to help run the stalls. We are very grateful to have such a supportive community to bring these extra events to enrich our school life.

How to find
Stormont School

The Causeway,
Potters Bar,
01707 654037

Stormont School

Autumn Open Mornings

We are delighted to invite you to our ‘Happy Birthday Stormont’ Family Open Morning on Saturday 28th September from 9.00am – 10.30am. Party dresses are welcome!

Our next working open morning is on Thursday 14th November from 9.00am – 11.00am.

For more details and to register for either/both open mornings please email admissions@stormontschool.org or complete the form on our open morning website page.