Captain Tom 100

Posted: 30th April 2021

Today we have taken part in the Captain Tom 100 challenge in support of The Hart and Parker Trust, a local charity who support local families.  They are a charity that we support year on year and due to COVID-19 it has been difficult to raise money but today we were able to get everyone involved at school.   Our Years 5 and 6 did challenges on the field including burpees, hopping, skipping, running, hurdles and running between poles amongst other challenges.  The girls loved it and was a great chance to enjoy the school grounds.

It started quite warm and sunny but turned a little chilly when the Years 3 and 4 came out to the field after their break, however it didn’t curb their enthusiasm, in fact it made them run a little faster to keep warm.  Pre-Prep did their bit on the field in the afternoon, for some of them it is the first time to represent their school and they were so keen to do their best to raise money.  their obstacle course was laid out after lunch.  Mrs P has done a sterling job designing the activities and Miss Sobell put all the plans and timings together.

A Just Giving page has been launched and our aim is to raise £500, if you would like to donate use the link here : Crowdfunding to support the Hart and Parker Trust on JustGiving 

How to find
Stormont School

The Causeway,
Potters Bar,
01707 654037

Stormont School

Spring Open Mornings

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