Celebrations were in full swing on Friday to mark the coronation of King Charles III. All the girls came to school in non-uniform red, white and blue, some wearing crowns,…
Posted: 14th June 2021
Mr Andrew Newland, Chair of governors at Stormont School presented £1,200 to Mr Roger Moore, Chairman of The Hart and Parker Trust. The Hart and Parker Trust is a local charity that Stormont School in Potters Bar, Hertfordshire supports. The Trust helps families with food bank parcels, baby equipment, furniture and anything that helps the daily life of an individual or a family. They do tremendous work in the community and one that is supported every year by Stormont School. The Trust receives almost all its referrals from the local Children’s Centres, Health Visitors, Family Support Workers and the CAB.
The girls from Reception to Year 6 took part in the Captain Tom 100 Challenge on 30th April by completing different challenges. They were all encouraged to get sponsored and help to raise money. Stormont pupils and staff were proud to be part of the event.
Miss Louise Martin, Head of Stormont School and Miss Alexis Sobell, Deputy Head attended the presentation with representatives from each class from Reception to Year 6. It is always a pleasure to support local charities and know that the amount raised will make a difference. Mr Moore explained how a local family, who had recently been affected by bereavement, had been supported by the Trust. The family’s children had needed essential new clothing at a difficult time in their lives.
Year 6 House Captains nominate local charities at the beginning of the academic year but The Hart and Parker Trust is one that Stormont supports year on year. In the past there have been food parcels and sponsorships. This week parents and children are being asked to donate books in good condition (from baby books, up to age 18) for a separate charity, The Children’s Book Project. The parents’ association (SPA) wants to help re-home books that children have outgrown and pass on to those children who have few books of their own. Stormont School prides itself on helping others.