Summer Music Concert

Posted: 30th June 2021

What a fantastic start to Wednesday. So many talented musicians got together for the Stormont School Summer Concert. All the performers worked so hard to prepare for the event, a major contribution to the school calendar.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions an audience wasn’t possible and all the performers had to keep to their bubbles but with lots of rehearsals and planning it went brilliantly. The concert was recorded so that parents are able to watch at their leisure. The singers were so entertaining and certainly set the tone. The range of instruments played included piano, saxophone, guitar, clarinet, drums, violin and the flute, all the girls were outstanding. Many of the music teachers also performed to accompany on the piano or guitar.

Girls as young as 7 played on the stage as soloists, some only just starting to learn their instrument this year. The standard of the pupils’ achievements is high at Stormont and all are encouraged to try their best and introduce instruments such as the saxophone, drums or electric guitar. These aren’t always seen as a girl’s ambition to play but at Stormont it is normal. The saying is always, give it a go, take a risk!

Pupils learn many instruments at Stormont School from Year 2 and are taught by peripatetic teachers employed by the school in the dedicated Millennium Building where there are two practice rooms in the Music Studio. The Music Department has a strong presence at Stormont and each class from Reception through to Year 6 is taught music on the timetable every week. There is also a recorder club running on Teams but Stormont can’t wait to get back to having their clubs before school, at lunchtimes and after school. Rock choir, rock band, ensembles, orchestra and all manner of bands or groups are part of the school week.

Mr Nick Pegden, Head of Music, said “I am proud of all the girls’ performances, for some it was the first time on a school stage. They have all been fantastic and I look forward to working with them throughout their time here. Keep up the good work!”

Sports Day

Posted: 29th June 2021

The first event at Stormont went ahead at last and everyone was so excited. The Pre-Prep and Prep sports days were held on the school field on Thursday, 24th June. The weather was great, not too hot and not too cold. It was unfortunate that we could not have the parents because of restrictions in place during the COVID-19 lockdown but the whole day was a great success.

Prep were first in the morning but the preparations were being made long before that. The PE department had put so much work into working with the girls leading up to the day. All the equipment was transported early morning ready for the big day. The field had been cut and the lines marked out in advance, results spreadsheets were prepared to record the house scores and staff were given their roles.

Traditional races such as the egg and spoon race and the sack race were included alongside running in and out of poles and the relay races at the end of each event. All the school houses, St Andrew, St George and St Patrick were represented in every race and the girls loved the competition. Healthy rivalry exists but all competitors are applauded for their efforts.

The Pre-Prep had their turn in the afternoon and for some it was the first time, but you wouldn’t have known. They all performed brilliantly. There could be some athletes of the future emerging!
A great day was had by all.

Year 5 Residential Trip at Cuffley Camp

Posted: 24th June 2021

Like every other school in the country planning trips of any kind has been beset with disappointment but not this time. Stormont School achieved what seemed like the impossible this month with a residential trip for 21 excited girls. Even better, they didn’t have to travel on a motorway in a coach to get there, the camp is literally on the doorstep in Hertfordshire, which meant more time enjoying the grounds! Cuffley Camp was under new management just before the start of lockdown and reopened very recently to schools.

Three fun-packed days and two nights were booked with the girls staying in dormitories with their friends. Tomahawk (axe throwing) seemed to slice opinion, laser quest was enlightening and camouflage and concealment wasn’t apparent! So much to experience but the highlights of this trip were making memories sitting round the campfire, night walks, rock climbing and fire lighting. The teamwork tasks were challenging and will build their skills in problem solving for the future. Growth mindset is part of the school day at Stormont School and all the girls were positively encouraged to try everything once, take a risk and leap into the unknown.

At this girls’ only school the pupils benefit from learning in a safe environment, get to test their resilience, gain confidence and take risks without distraction. Miss Martin, Head of Stormont School, surprised all the girls with a visit one afternoon, she said “It has been a tremendous opportunity for them, bringing the curriculum to life and enhance learning outside of the classroom is so important.”

The girls loved sleeping in the new cabins, before bed on the first night they sat round the campfire which they learnt how to build, singing songs and eating S’mores. The next day they had the opportunity to put their knowledge into practice when they had to build their own fire, light it and toast marshmallows. The Year 5 Form Tutor, Madame Allin, said “The trip was a lot of fun and it brought us all closer to nature and to each other at the same time. It is fabulous to have been able to make fond memories. The trip is just what the girls needed after a year of interruption with lockdown.”

Miss Stephens, Head of Learning Support, said “It was great to see all the girls having fun in the great outdoors, try new activities and learning to work together which is something that they have all missed out on due to COVID-19.”

Shanti B said “It was a good experience of being out of your comfort zone, the wall climbing challenged me.” Bella F said “I would recommend this to another school because you learn loads of new things and learn how to survive in the wild.”

Book Drive at Stormont School with The Children’s Book Project

Posted: 18th June 2021

One in four disadvantaged children across the UK has fewer than ten books of their own at home, and one in eight has none at all. The Children’s Book Project seeks to tackle book poverty and to give every child the opportunity to own their own book. The charity takes donations of books that children have grown out of and gifts them directly to children with very few books of their own, or none at all.

Families at Stormont School were invited to donate any new or gently-used children’s books from baby books all the way up to those suitable for age 18. The response has been amazing. Parents and children have scoured their shelves and cupboards for books that have been read and loved but now ready for a new owner. The school has been inundated with donations from parents and children, their generosity has been wonderful.

The books are cleaned, sorted and redistributed to schools across the UK. It is important for all children to have books that they can share with their family and friends helping them to broaden their literacy skills. Developing important communication in both the classroom and at home is essential for a child’s welfare.

Mrs Paramor, parent to a Year 2 child at Stormont, contacted the school to highlight this brilliant charity and asked for them to get involved.

Mrs Paramor has a real passion for reading and said “I have recently become aware of a charity working in the area (South East and London) called the Children’s Book Project, which aims to tackle book poverty by re-distributing good-quality second-hand children’s books to kids that have very few books of their own.” She went on to say “I think it would be a lovely thing for our girls to know that the books they have outgrown will have a new home to go to.”

Stormont School is always willing to help support others and this project has sparked great interest. The girls watched a YouTube video which explained the project and were excited to get involved.

Pupils from Years 3 and 4 were chosen to represent the school and help load the books when collected. Further information about the charity and its work can be found at

Stormont School Supports Others

Posted: 14th June 2021

Mr Andrew Newland, Chair of governors at Stormont School presented £1,200 to Mr Roger Moore, Chairman of The Hart and Parker Trust. The Hart and Parker Trust is a local charity that Stormont School in Potters Bar, Hertfordshire supports. The Trust helps families with food bank parcels, baby equipment, furniture and anything that helps the daily life of an individual or a family. They do tremendous work in the community and one that is supported every year by Stormont School. The Trust receives almost all its referrals from the local Children’s Centres, Health Visitors, Family Support Workers and the CAB.

The girls from Reception to Year 6 took part in the Captain Tom 100 Challenge on 30th April by completing different challenges. They were all encouraged to get sponsored and help to raise money. Stormont pupils and staff were proud to be part of the event.

Miss Louise Martin, Head of Stormont School and Miss Alexis Sobell, Deputy Head attended the presentation with representatives from each class from Reception to Year 6. It is always a pleasure to support local charities and know that the amount raised will make a difference. Mr Moore explained how a local family, who had recently been affected by bereavement, had been supported by the Trust. The family’s children had needed essential new clothing at a difficult time in their lives.

Year 6 House Captains nominate local charities at the beginning of the academic year but The Hart and Parker Trust is one that Stormont supports year on year. In the past there have been food parcels and sponsorships. This week parents and children are being asked to donate books in good condition (from baby books, up to age 18) for a separate charity, The Children’s Book Project. The parents’ association (SPA) wants to help re-home books that children have outgrown and pass on to those children who have few books of their own. Stormont School prides itself on helping others.

Safari Pete

Posted: 14th June 2021

Our Pre-Prep experienced a day with Safari Pete who brought his animals to show the classes.  An amazing collection of animals and reptiles made an impact with the girls with a real hands on experience.  A crocodile was the star of the show or was it the barn owl, maybe even the tarantula, could have been the meerkat?   There were certainly many to see and learn about – Safari Pete talked about the habitats of each animal, the food they liked to eat, how they hunted and where they came from.  He was enthusiastic and kept the girls’ attention brilliantly.  When they got to hold and touch the crocodile it was pure delight on their faces and watching the snake eat their prey was incredible.    We think that there could be some potential vets or conservationists in our Reception or Year 1 & 2 classes!

Top Six in the Haileybury Virtual Arts Challenge 2021

Posted: 11th June 2021

Stormont School is pleased and delighted to announce that one of their entries to the recent Haileybury Virtual Arts Challenge 2021 has been chosen as one of the top six pieces of work submitted.

Prep schools were invited earlier in the year to submit their entries interpreting famous quotes of Shakespeare in either English, Art, Music or Drama. Stormont School Year 6 girls worked in pairs creating visual responses of concepts related to their chosen quotes using photography. The girls explored quotes to use and how they could bring them to life using their English language and art knowledge.

Six images were selected by the Art Department to be entered, it was a hard decision by the teachers who led the project because the standard was so high. The photographs entered were done by Natasha S, Anaya K, Leah R, Freyjana K, Bo B, Florence F, Ruby L, Isla E, Zeinab A and Ivy F. Mrs R Burgess, Head of the Art Department said, ‘The girls produced a range of very imaginative responses and enjoyed the experience of exploring ideas in a new way’. Girls from Reception class all the way through school produce amazing work to a high level using a wide range of mediums. For these pieces the Year 6 girls put their camera skills  to good use around the school for this project and Stormont is proud of their achievement.

The winning image ‘All that glistens is not gold’ chosen by Haileybury was by Anaya K and Natasha S. They were thrilled to receive the news that their work had been chosen as one of six and have received certificates and prizes for their efforts with a Shakespeare theme. On announcing the results, Haileybury said that the entries were all creative and imaginative and it was great to see how the pupils were inspired by Shakespeare.


How to find
Stormont School

The Causeway,
Potters Bar,
01707 654037